Sex Toy Ads on the Subway: I’ve never been to New York myself so I have never been on the NYC subway but from what I’ve heard the posters displayed on the subway trains consist of either erectile dysfunction pills or adverts for boob jobs. Not really what you want to see on your morning commute. Now after a three year long legal battle, there are finally going to be adverts displayed that are going to put a smile on commuters faces instead of lowering their self-esteem to the depths of hell, and make their journey a little more pleasurable.

After a long drawn out legal battle, there’s finally a break in the clouds and a glimmer of light shining through. Passengers will finally be able to look up from their newspaper and have a welcome break from the boob jobs and erectile dysfunction pills. Female empowerment groups and sex toy companies have been fighting for the right to display their adverts on the NYC subway and now it seems that the powers that be have finally taken notice.

new york sex toy advert

Gone but not forgotten are the ads trying to flog you floppy knob pills and breast augmentation. They will soon be able to look up from their seat and see adverts for vibrators, sexual pleasure devices and other incredibly fun things. Y’know, things that bring a toothy smile to our faces. Here’s what guardian columnist, Arwa Mahdawi had to say on the matter:

“I’m not clutching my pearls here. I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about subway ads because whenever I take the train I do what every normal person does: ignore everything around me and stare at my phone. I’m just bringing this up to provide a little context and demonstrate that the modern New York public transport system is not what anyone would describe as a puritanical environment.”

Female-focused companies such as sex toy companies and the period-underwear company, Thinx, had to fight tooth and nail to get their ads on New York transit. Many women-centred sexual health companies have been prevented from advertising on trains for years.

It looks as if times are a changing, though. A female-owned sex toy company called Dame has just been granted permission to run ads for their vibrators on the subway. The posters are fairly tame but hey, it’s a start. It’s still a huge accomplishment and marks a very important step towards the normalisation of female pleasure. Speaking of female pleasure, have you seen the smoking hot babes on Babestation today? Register on Babecall now to interact with them from your mobile phone!

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