I’ve been getting a lot of messages lately from viewers asking about Perv Cam and what it is. Many of you are already well aware of what the service entails but for those who still don’t have a Scooby Doo, I’ve put together this little blog explaining everything you need to know about Perv Cam.

Let’s face it; we all want to see more than what the girls are allowed to show on live TV – with Perv Cam you can! In a nutshell, Perv Cam works by filming a more racy angle than the one being displayed on TV to the viewers at home. Let’s say you’re watching Lori writhing around naked on screen. She’s doing her thang, shaking her gorgeous boobs and giving you a bloody good show, but the x-rated goodies are all out of shot. What a tease. But by starting her Perv Cam, you’ll get to tap in to Lori’s strategically placed camera that will give you a full view of ALL the goods. So not only will you get to see Lori’s face as she screaming your name, but you’ll also be able to see what her fingers are really doing when she slips her hand down south. It doesn’t get much better than that folks.

Lori Buckby

I’m using Lori as an example but all our babes have their own Perv Cams and they are equally as filthy!

Babestation TV Perv Cam

Simply go to Babestation TV and click ‘start pervcam’. It’s as simple as that lads. ENJOY!!!

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