Have you ever wondered how people can have sex and yet still remain a virgin? No, I’m not talking about the Virgin Mary, I’m talking about a bizarre technique called ‘soaking’, a term coined by a bunch of horny Mormons as a way to get their end away but still claim abstinence. I was first made aware of ‘soaking’ after a video from an ex-Mormon went viral on tiktok. Lexie George, from Florida, revealed that unmarried couples in the religion practice ‘soaking’ as a way to be intimate with each other without sinning. In case you’re wondering what the exact physical logistics are behind soaking, allow me to put it bluntly – the dude will stick his dick in his girlfriend/fiancé but he’ll stay completely still. There’s no thrusting or gyrating. He literally just leaves his erect penis in her vag for a good old soak, hence the term ‘soaking’.



Lexie revealed that the practice is extremely common in the Mormon community and is widely used by couples not wishing to ‘sin’ by having premarital sex. She says that people tell themselves it’s fine because apparently ‘The idea behind it is if it’s just in but there’s no moving back and forth, no movement, then it’s not a sin.’ I mean, it’s fucked up logic but whatever helps them get off I guess. For couples who want greater stimulation than ‘soaking’ there is ‘jump soaking’, and this is where things get even weirder. Jump soaking is where the couple get a close friend to crawl under the bed and literally shake the bed in order to create movement, providing greater simulation for the couple. I mean you may as well just have a threesome at this point.

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Lexie, who left the Mormon faith at 25, continued: ‘If you have outside forces move you,sex because if you’re not doing it then it’s not premarital sex.’ That’s downright sneaky and I’m totally here for it. Apparently The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches the ‘law of chastity’ which strictly forbids sex outside of a heterosexual marriage, framing it as the worst sin ‘next to murder’. Yikes. might be a bit OTT with that one, guys. The church does teach that sexuality is beautiful, but only if it’s between a husband and wife for the sole purpose of reproducing. Lexie continues: ‘So, seeing someone and being attracted to them sexually is fine, but those thoughts have to be disciplined.’ Lexie goes on to explain that Soaking is popular at the Mormon-led Brigham Young University, in Utah, or among ‘young people in general, who aren’t married’. She added: ‘I wish I was making this up. It is pretty sad how common this is.’

The video has since racked up over 11 million views and attracted a whole bunch of comments, including one from a person confirming Lexie’s explanation, saying: ‘I’m from Utah… She isn’t lying. Sadly.’ Another said that some couples just have anal sex, believing it is different enough to vaginal sex to avoid being classed as sinful.

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